This is not the same as Shangela and the penis joke.Īnd there’s an even bigger potential problem. It’s a shame that Carter doesn’t understand that the honest fair depiction of minorities in popular culture matters.” Ismat Sarah Mangla has a point when she writes for the International Business Times “ a problem, because the only time we see Muslims on television or film, whether they’re performing the ordinary daily prayers practiced by 1.6 billion Muslims around the world or just behaving in otherwise ‘Muslim-y’ ways is when they’re about to blow people up.
#X files home 2016 tv
It’s pure satire, which would be well and good, had Carter not pushed the terror cell to the background through TV shorthand, playing into the same stereotypes he’s trying to decry. Chris Carter does his best here, caricaturing rednecks and Islamophobe nurses, pitching them as demented people who blame “a large and unassimilated Muslim community” for the world’s ills, saying things like “immigrant groups are taking all our jobs” out loud. Wholeheartedly, I believe that the best way to face up to evil in culture is to laugh at it to try and make it feel small. Harder to justify is the episode Babylon (shown in the US this week) which tries to frame Islamist terror as its B-story while getting on with another light-hearted romp in which Mulder and Scully team up with their young doppelgangers.
Nobody did, because that would have been silly. You could just as easily claim that the suicide of the closeted Indian in the previous episode likens mind-control-by-demonic-children to gay shame among ethnic communities. A throwaway gag where Mulder tries to explain gender transition to the were-monster has been taken to signal that he is likening being trans to being a werewolf.
#X files home 2016 serial
For that to be played for laughs in an episode that also plays serial killing for laughs makes this feel like less of a story. Shepherd’s claim that the character is reductive might hold water, but it’s also true that a significant number of the trans population in that part of Oregon are forced into prostitution. Shangela’s creator Darius J Pierce is a drag artist, but his comedy persona is a prostitute just like Annabell. But there is context: Shangela is a success story of RuPaul’s Drag Race – a show that has come under its own fire for how close drag gags veer to transphobia.